Balancing Military Logistics
Move Now or Move Later?
Deciding whether to move now or move later is a constant challenge in military logistics planning. The factors influencing this decision vary based on the perspective of the decision-maker. For example, an AMC logistician will consider different aspects when stocking a repair facility, depending on whether it is located in CONUS or OCONUS. Meanwhile, a Combatant Command faces an even more complex set of considerations, such as the risk of supply node disruption, the availability of multimodal supply or resupply, and the security of transportation modes.
One common factor that every decision-maker must take into account is the cost of moving. The financial implications of a move must be carefully considered, as commanders weigh the costs of available transportation modes in relation to the urgency of the situation. Opting to move now may permit the use of slower, less expensive transportation methods. On the other hand, delaying a move could minimize asset deterioration, inventory storage costs, or tradeoff decisions in locations with limited storage capacity, such as austere environments.
To facilitate well-informed decisions, logistics leaders require tools that enable them to explore various scenarios and understand the financial consequences of each option. Groundswell’s SAP-based Joint Transportation Management Solution (JTMS) offers an invaluable resource for military planners ranging from the Army to TRANSCOM to the Combatant Command. Preconfigured with SAP Federal Finance, the JTMS solution empowers leaders with the ability to simulate the financial impacts of their decisions, ensuring optimal outcomes for our service members.
By leveraging innovative tools like Groundswell’s JTMS, military logistics leaders can confidently weigh the pros and cons of moving now versus moving later. This ensures that their decisions are well-informed, cost-effective, and ultimately, in the best interest of our service members.

Modern militaries require seamless movement, achievable through the engagement of cutting-edge technology.