Contract Information

GSA (MAS) Schedules

Corporate Entity: Groundswell (UEI JNFEJMSLMXW7, CAGE Code 4ZYF6), previously CollabraLink Technologies

General Scope: Information Technology services and products

MAS SINs Held:

  • SIN 511210 Software Licenses
  • SIN 518210C Cloud and Cloud-Related IT Professional Services
  • SIN 54151HACS Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Solutions
  • SIN 54151HEAL Health Information Technology Services
  • SIN 54151S Professional Information Technology Services
  • Order-Level Materials (OLM)

Other Vehicles

GSA Logo
Blanket Purchase Agreement 47QDCB19A0003
GSA Professional Services Schedule Logo
The Professional Services Schedule (PSS)


Seaport Next Generation Logo
SeaPort Next Generation



Groundswell is an elite, mid-tier digital transformation firm that has made the necessary corporate investments to be a successful vendor under CIO-SP3.

We demonstrate our value-add by providing:

  • A Program Manager with demonstrated CIO-SP3 experience and success supported by a CFCM-certified Contracts Manager and engaged executive team
  • Current and relevant breadth and depth of Federal experience as a prime contractor across all 10 Task Areas
  • A dedicated CIO-SP3 PMO that includes program management, contract management, marketing, sales, and proposal support
  • A CIO-SP3 focused marketing and sales plan to drive existing and future work to the vehicle

And bring a robust Corporate Infrastructure with:

  • A quality management system and delivery services that are CMMI-ML3 assessed and ISO 9001:2015, ISO 20000:2018, and ISO 27001:2013
  • DCAA audited Deltek Costpoint and Time and Expense system for project tracking, invoicing, earned-value management, and financial reporting
  • Automated Task Order Management System (ATOMS) to increase task order response capability, collaboration, and transparency
  • Back-office support including Human Resources, Recruiting, Contracts, Finance, IT and Facilities
  • Top Secret Facility Clearance

Core competencies

IT strategy, PMO support, Enterprise Architecture and Engineering

  • IT strategy, PMO support, Enterprise Architecture and Engineering
  • Infrastructure management and cloud hosting
  • Cyber Security
  • Business Process Management (BPM) Practice which includes application architecture, development and support for Federal and Commercial Clients
  • Agile Software Development and Operations and Maintenance
  • Digital Services, including Web Application development for some of the largest Federal websites in the U.S.

Groundswell experience

Prime experience providing services across all 10 Task Areas

  • Prime experience providing services across all 10 Task Areas
  • Demonstrated experience within the Health IT space spans a broad range of capabilities, including health informatics, health system integration, legacy health IT systems modernization, automation of administrative processes, health data collection, IT service management, and security of healthcare systems
  • Experience managing multiple award vehicles: GSA 8(a) STARS II, GSA IT-70, GSA MOBIS, Department of Transportation Modernization Solutions BPA, Department of Interior Drupal BPA, and Department of Labor Case Management Systems BPA

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